Compliance with VAT is becoming ever more complex, mistakes in calculating VAT can be costly with a rigid system of penalties and interest payments for mistakes and late submission of returns.
Let us take away the burden and worry of VAT!
We can complete and file accurate VAT returns in good time avoiding unnecessary fines and penalties, not to mention also assisting with VAT registration, VAT schemes, Custom and Excise control visits and many other aspects of VAT.
In addition to the VAT services we offer, we also provide an optional fee protection service which can insure against costly accountancy fees in the event of a VAT visit or investigation.

We can assist with:
- Completion and filing of VAT returns
- Assessing VAT requirements for both new and established business
- Registering for VAT
- Advice on the most beneficial VAT scheme to use for your business
VAT planning
- Assisting with VAT investigations and VAT disputes with HMRC
- Attendance at VAT visits
- Optional fee protection service in the event VAT compliance check or VAT visit.